Saturday, September 15, 2012

I wanted to start doing some shape recognition with G, and found a wonderful website, No Time For Flash Cards.  We've used them before, and they have FANTASTIC ideas!!  This one is super simple, and I am looking forward to G playing with this!

1.  Assemble your supplies.  Foam sheets, scissors and felts.  I used Crayola, but you could use colored sharpies or whatever you prefer.  You could even glue foam shapes or stickers on if you wanted to.

2.  Color designs on your foam sheets.  To make it a bit trickier, I did a few sheets in the same color with the same design, and then I cut them out in different designs.  I also did the same basic design on the two dark green ones, but I had one go horizontal and one go vertical.  Then I cut them in half, to give a bit more of a challenge. 

3.  Cut out your foam sheets.  I cut most of mine in a straight line, but the ones that had the same designs, I cut differently to see if she can differentiate between them.  

4.  Invite your child to play!  I plan to lay out one half of each on the table, and then have the rest in a pile.  This is a super easy way to play, and it will help with pattern-recognition and shape recognition.  If you wanted to, you could also have your little one color the designs on the foam sheets.

5.  Have fun!!!  Remember that as easy as it is for mom and dad to step in and do it for them, let your LO do it him/herself.  They'll love it!!

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